from L&F CG


Three types of courses 

Must have

The L&F CG must have courses are the academic corner stones needed to build competence in real estate marketing and sales. We will offer 4 must have courses each semester. 

Need to have

The L&F CG need to have courses is techniques, tips and tricks used in marketing and sales of real estate. We will offer 2 need to have courses each semester

Nice to have

The L&F CG nice to have courses is a break down of what different market leaders markets and sell their services and real estate. We will offer 2 nice to have courses each semester

Why should I take your courses?

First off all our courses will make you the best agent you can be.
  1. Our courses will teach you all  you must know about marketing and of real estate and your services
  2. Our courses will teach you all those techniques and tricks that setts you apart from your competitors
  3. Our courses will teach you what different market leaders do. How they do their marketing and how they do their sales. Both homes and services
  4. We have a gym designed to exercise this knowledge and information to the extent where it becomes second nature for our members
  5. We have coaching where we work on overcoming all the small obstacles preventing our members from being all they can be
  6. Our courses are evergreens. Do your studies at your own leisure
  7. AND we have bundles for you to specialize. A city, a type of property, your media presence, high end clients and many many more
  8. All this for only $50 a month

Learning process

Prerecorded lectures

A lecture is 30-45 minutes Each lecture has it's own syllabus, in general around 50 pages. Each lecture consist of several video sessions, podcasts or both. A video session last's about 10 minutes.


Each lecture has two setts of assignments. The first assignment is a quiz from the lecture. The second assignment is setting up a mind-map on the lecture and how to use the information practically.


Finally there is a multippel choice exam at the end of the course. In the exam you will find questions and pictures. The exam is 50 questions and one hour.

Must have courses fall 2022

Consumer behavior - The sales inspection

Understanding needs and wants is a prerequisite for any sale.

Marketing - How to reach homeowners

Making sellers aware of you and your services is a prerequisite for any sale.

Psychology - How to negotiate with sellers

Mastering negotiation is a prerequisite for a good deal. 

Sociology - Your sellers influencers

How to influence a sellers influencers.

Must have courses spring 2023

Consumer behavior - Understanding the buyer

Understanding needs is a prerequisite to produce proper marketing.

Psychology - the buying process

When to offer, how to negotiate and how to close.

Marketing - How to reach buyers

Presenting what buyers need/want in their preferred marketing channel.

Psychology - How to negotiate with buyers

How to move the sale forward.

Need to have courses fall 2022

Introduction to real estate sales

How to conduct a perfect sales inspection.

Presenting your offer

How to write, present and pitch a perfect offer to any seller.

Need to have courses spring 2023

Write like a journalist 

Write prospects, offers, ads or articles and chronicles for local media or your own blog.

The art of visual presentation

The semantics in photography and video. Short scripts, design and set up.

Nice to have courses fall 2022

Manifesting your next sale

As in tai chi, make success part of your daily routine.

Sell like Peter Eklund

In his book Peter gives away his reipe and secreets.

Nice to have courses spring 2023

Real Estate Sales Mastery & Johnny Mo

Maximize any opportunity to get more sales.

The eight step strategy for success in Real Estate Sales & David Gadish

The eight step strategy for success in Real Estate Sales & David Gadish

Bootstrap your estate agent career now!

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